book cover of doorknob bombshells in therapy on the left with daniela's image to the right with a testimonial for the book

New Book Launch

Official launch 9/17/24. Pre-order and get it now along with 20% off and free shipping.


Books by Daniela Gitlin


Practice, Practice, Practice: This Psychiatrist's Life

Patient ambushes! Clinician pratfalls! Community curveballs! Practice, Practice, Practice: This Psychiatrist’s Life gives you a fly-on-the-wall view of therapy sessions along with actual transcripts of what’s going through this therapist’s mind as she’s working, living and saving the day (or trying to)


Doorknob Bombshells in Therapy

It’s a near-universal experience among mental health practitioners: a patient drops a bombshell—a critical disclosure that moves the treatment forward—on their way out, with a hand on the doorknob. This “doorknob moment” creates a stressful dilemma for clinicians, especially when the patient is distraught.


About Daniella

My new book! Doorknob Bombshells in Therapy: The Deadline, the Brain, and Why It IIs Important to End on Time.

“This book is an in-depth exploration of the complicated and powerful relationahip between a patient and a therapist. By exploring the moment that leads to the end of a therapy session, Dr. Gitlin provides insight in the entire meaning of the therapeutic alliance that is built.” —Jeffrey Stovall, MD, professor of clinical psychiatry, Vanderbult University Medical Center


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